Meet Chimera (Kai)
In 2021, a Facebook user made the decision to downsize their collection, and it was during this time that we were captivated by the stunning color and patterns of Chimera, a ball python with a morph known as “bumble bee”. What makes Chimera even more remarkable is that despite carrying the spider gene, she has been fortunate enough to not be severely affected by the typical conditions associated with it. However, transitioning her from a rack system to a bioactive enclosure proved to be quite a challenge.
When Chimera arrived at her new home, she displayed a clear aversion to human interaction. She would hide away and refused to eat for an entire month. It was a worrisome time for us, but we were determined to provide her with the special care and attention she needed. We embarked on a series of adventures, trying different techniques to help her feel comfortable and secure.
Slowly but surely, Chimera began to respond positively to our efforts. She started to enjoy the attention and affection we showered upon her. It was heartwarming to witness her transformation from a shy and distant snake to one of the most social and loving ball pythons in our collection. Chimera’s journey serves as a testament to the power of patience, understanding, and the willingness to go the extra mile for the well-being of our animal companions.